Resultado da Pesquisa - Cinema

madVR 0.92.17

madVR 0.92.17 versão gratuita 5337 

madVR can be pointed as the video renderer of multiple players, including some of the most popular out there: Media…

STR3EM 2.3.2

STR3EM 2.3.2 versão gratuita 2674 

STR3EM is the first available digital ecosystem in contrast to other initiatives currently still in development from Disney's Keychest and…

MPC-BE x64 1.4.6 B1590

MPC-BE x64 1.4.6 B1590 versão gratuita 2641 

Media Player Classic - BE is a free and open source audio and video player for Windows. Media Player Classic…

MPC-BE 1.4.6 B1590

MPC-BE 1.4.6 B1590 versão gratuita 2519 

Media Player Classic - BE is a free and open source audio and video player for Windows. Media Player Classic…

MAGIX Movie Edit Pro Plus 2015

MAGIX Movie Edit Pro Plus 2015  3125 

With MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 2015 Plus you can experience complete design freedom when editing your videos. Comprehensive 64-bit support…

MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 2015

MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 2015  3288 

You don't need to be a video expert to transform your video footage into amazing movies. In Storyboard Mode the…


MakeMe3D  2759 

In the movies nothings works anymore without 3D; now the technique enters the home cinema and even the PC. Engelmann…

Cinematize Pro

Cinematize Pro  4393 

Faster. Better. Easier. Cinematize 3 Pro is the next generation of Cinematize. With the new batch Extraction List, your DVD…


Cinematize versão gratuita 3019 

Cinematize 3 is an introductory product that includes everything necessary to get started on DVD extraction and conversion projects. A…

TerraTec Home Cinema

TerraTec Home Cinema versão gratuita 3958 

The TerraTec Home Cinema application was designed to be a powerful and efficient solution for television on the computer. Turn…

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